I'm back from training! YEAH! Coming back from a week out of the office stinks. Tons of email to catch up on. Blah.
Good weekend overall. I got up Saturday and went for my long run. 8 miles again. This time I went to the trace and ran there (our rails to trails). It had been raining all week so the rain really helped cool things down. However, the humidity was unGodly. Ugh. The first four miles out I did great. Great time, great pace. The four back,....ummm...not so much. I slowed down quite a bit. But I got it done. I think there were several problems with the run. 1. I didn't eat enough the night before. I ate too much at lunch and wasn't really hungry for dinner. I just ate some stewed squash - not enough calories to sustain the long run. 2. The humidity really zapped me more than I anticipated.
I think I'm pushing too hard too fast though. My knee flared up a bit again last night. I just need to slow my butt down on the long runs. I'll brace it up and pop some ibuprofen. That'll help.
I was going to run this morning (3 today) but with the knee screaming at me, I figured I would give it a little more rest. I'll try and get the slow and easy 3 in tonight after I get home. So, I just hit the snooze and went back to bed.
Other than that nothing major to report. Jeff and I relaxed, went to our friend's restaurant for dinner on Saturday (yummy crab cakes!) and played some Lego's Indiana Jones on the xbox. Ha!
Today I LOVE: The Gu Chocolate Outrage energy gel. Wow - that stuff is YUMMY!
1 year ago