Thursday - 5 miles
Friday - 5 miles
Saturday - 6 miles
Sunday - 14 miles
Monday - REST!
YEESSIREEEE I'm back on track! Yeehaw! 30 miles in four days!!! I can't believe it. AND I can't believe that my knees aren't falling off. They're fine! The first three runs were stellar. I was running at a 10:00 to just below 10:00 pace for them. I averaged 10:07 for the 6 mile run. That's good for me. The one nice thing that the storm brought was overcast skies and cool, breezy weather. That helped my speed tremendously.
Sunday's long run was pretty ugly and painful, especially since I had missed the two previous long runs. But I was determined to complete it, whether I had to crawl back to the car or not. I did well up to mile 10 and then the sun and humidity decided to show back up. When I started the run it was 73 degrees. When I finished the run it was 92 degrees. Big difference. I just simply got tired and ran out of fluids. I had to slowly run/walk the last two miles, but I finished it. I was pretty sore Sunday evening and a bit on Monday but it's all subsided today. I'm going out for a slow, easy run this evening to loosen the ole legs up tonight.
We got power back finally on Friday, thank you little baby, tiny Jesus!!! The first thing we did was crank the A/C down to "ARCTIC" and basked in the icicles forming on our noses. Even the dogs are better now that things are "back to normal". Katie doesn't eat well when she's stressed and she didn't eat the whole time during and for several days after the storm. She wouldn't even eat when I gave them wet dog food (the jackpot in the doggie world)! The poor little, spoiled princess is used to having her air conditioning.
Funny thing, Thursday we managed to get a couple of window units from our neighbor's house. They came back early and they have two window units, but no generator. We have a generator but no window units. Match made in heaven. We set those puppies up and cranked them full blast to at least cool the living room and one bedroom down enough to make the temperature bearable. Little Miss Princess (Katie) decides to plop herself down directly in front of one of the units and quickly falls asleep. It was hilarious. All night she would strategically place herself in front of the unit to get the most cold air coverage.
OK - gotta go get back to the mountain of things I have to catch up on and do at work.
5 months ago
way to go chica!!
i've been wondering how you were!!! i am so glad you posted and SO SO SO glad you got some AC back too!!
i swear if Ike messes up my 19 miler on Saturday I am gonna be PISSED OFF!!
So glad you all made it through that dang hurricane....I didn't know life could exist without air conditioning....esp. in La...
You did kick butt....I am so proud of you...I hope someday you will comment on me when I run 14 miles. or attend my
Glad your back...And give those puppies a bone...They deserve it...
Yea, Jen's back! Thank you little tiny baby Jesus.
Great running! That's awesome. I feel you on the long run. The heat just really drains you.
Keep up the good work. You'll kick but in San Antonio. Shake and Bake!
Thanks for checking on us. You posted about old Gustav. We are all safe and fine. No major damage. Some family and friends without power. But e1 ok. A lot of my poor students had major damage or other hurricane related problems. Trying to get them as much help as possible.
Glad y'all are ok!!!
Great job on the long run. Sometimes just doing the miles, regardless of the time, is good enough for me!
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