So....ummm....yeah.... Haven't been on here in a WAY over a year in a while. I'm a terrible blogger. I just haven't had the desire to keep up with it what with all the other social media I dabble in plus work, plus family, plus, plus, plus...
Here's a short summary of the last year:
* My husband has now become a half marathon bling snob. LOL. He ran his 1st race last year and is now hooked. We ran the Mardi Gras RnR half, Nashville RnR half and Philadelphia RnR half together last year. I LOVE running with him. We don't go out to kill it, we just go out to have fun and race together. I'm so glad he's caught the running bug with me.
* My knee pain and ITB issues have been manageable of late. I will never be able to run completely pain free, but I do know much better how to manage it and try and prevent it as much as possible. Stretch, strength and ice are my buddies.
* I ran my 2nd full marathon last October. The Marine Corps Marathon was an AMAZING experience. I highly recommend it to anyone. GREAT course with amazing race support and such inspirational runners on the course with you. I trained like crap (half-assed) and ran with a killer bladder infection (Sorry, TMI), but still made it under my 5 hour goal. Win! AND I got my first set of black toenails. Such a proud runner. :)
*Lastly, we are pregnant!!! Baby Z is a little boy and is due on October 2, 2011!! We have been trying and struggling for 3 years and we were finally blessed with a positive result. I am so overwhelmed by the blessings and grace that have been bestowed upon us!! We are now in full on baby mode. But I already have by BOB Ironman put together and I am ready to RUN it OUT with Baby Z. I am still running a few times a week, but my run has turned into more of a shuffle/schlog. But I don't care. I'm out there, I'm moving, I'm wheezing and it feels great. I feel great!
OK, I don't want to go into blogger overload. I promise. I will try to be better. May even *gasp* post pictures next post!!
Happy running everyone!
5 months ago